Hi, I’m YourFriendMel aka Melissa. I live in the good ol’ USA. I’m a blogger and writer of poetry, songs, and short stories. I started writing blogs because… let’s face it, I want to connect with other people. I want to share, encourage you(and myself) along the way, to keep moving forward with the things life throws our way. I have a passion for writing tidbits and throwing in some humor here and there. Warning: My humor can be somewhat cheesy/corny sometimes. Okay, maybe a lot of the times but you are forewarned. Some of the things I may write about are, for example, things having to do with fitness, health, and natural do-it-yourself kind of things. Yourfriendmel was the first blog I ever created.

I’m an avid reader and writer. It’s been one of my loves since I was a kid. I also love sports not just playing them but watching them. I’m fortunate to live in Florida where I can work out outdoors year round because of the climate.

I’m hoping to connect with more people. Anything else you want to know, you can probably learn from our interaction on here so let’s get started!



YourFriendMel. Where did it come from and what’s with the name being spelled all in one word? Well, it all began one day as I sat with my brother(my personal social media mentor) at a place we frequented for breakfast. I had been laid off earlier in that year and he said, ‘Hey Mel, you like to write. Why don’t you start a blog?’ I immediately replied, ‘I’d love to but I have no idea where to start!’ He said, ‘start off by giving it a name. Think of something creative and marketable.’ I looked at him with a deer in the headlights kind of look and said ‘I got nothing.’ He said ‘how about yourfriendmel, like your email address? I said, ‘Oh! That’s a great idea!’ I have had that e-mail address for several years now and people always compliment me for it. Thus, my username became my blog’s name and yourfriendmel the blog was born. Still, after coming up with a name and posting to my blog, I felt that there was more. I was having trouble honing in on one particular area of life that I wanted to talk about on my blog but more than anything, I wanted to bring humor, faith, inspiration, connectivity and release creativity into the mix. All the while, allowing my thoughts to come to life. So here we go!

I’d like to be able to commit myself and find other writers to contribute their experiences or expertise in other areas of this site. I see yourfriendmel being a virtual community, an online resource and a place to share laughs.

8 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

  1. I have nominated your blog for the very inspiring blog award.The rules for accepting this award are:

    You need to display the award certificate on your website.
    Announce your win with a post and include a link to whoever presented your award.

    Select 15 deserving bloggers.
    display the blog’s name on your post
    notify each blogger you selected
    Post 7 interesting facts about yourself

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